Wednesday, 1 February 2017

The importance of touching in a relationship


Life can become a lonely thing without the physical touch that makes us feel connected to other people. A lack of touch in relationships could make a person feel unwanted, especially if touch is how your partner expresses their love for others. A little hug goes a long way.

 Here are 5 ways physical touch helps your relationship.

1. Touch can calm your nerves.
Feeling stressed out and exhausted after a hard day of work? A simple hug could be the answer to your ails. A warm embrace with a person you love can help you find a reason to smile when there is a dark cloud overhead. Hugs release the hormone oxytocin which in turn lowers your heart rate and cortisol levels. Cortisol causes things like fat gain, heart disease, and high blood pressure, so physical touch isn’t just calming, but also healthy.

2. Hugs can make angry people comfortable.

Fights are par for the course in relationships but when they become too frequent, expressions of love can make all the difference. Being constantly mad at a partner isn’t my idea of fun. The next time you find yourself in a fight that escalates to the point that you feel uncomfortable, offer a hug or hold your partner’s hand. While this won’t magically solve your problems, it will make it more likely that cool heads will prevail.

3. A quick touch can keep you connected on the go.

It doesn’t require a huge amount of touching to create positive connection that will make you feel happy and fulfilled in your relationship. If you’re running out the door to work, give your partner a quick hug and kiss before you go. This will offer a spark of comfort and happiness that will help you get through your day. A light brush of your knees under the table will help you feel connected while you’re out for dinner with friends. You could go see a scary movie or walk at the park for a perfect excuse to hold hands.

4. Holding your partner can offer comfort in crisis.

A few years ago, a grandmother I loved dearly passed away and I was so upset that I didn’t know what to do. The activity-of-the-day was crying without pause. My girlfriend at the time was worried about me, so I met her at a local park. Without saying a word, she wrapped her arms around me and the flood-gates opened. I cannot express in words how much better this simple embrace made me feel. When it feels like your world has turned upside down, few things offer more comfort than a big hug from the person you love. If your partner comes to you with a crisis, don’t assume you need to say anything: simply open your arms, let them in, and hold them tightly.

5. Flirty gestures can revive your sex life.

Who says you have to be in the bedroom for intimacy? You could give your partner a playful swat on the bottom while they finish dishes or pull them in for a passionate kiss while the kids are distracted by a video game to give your sex life a healthy boost. While snuggled up to a movie in the dark, you could give your partner a quick neck rub or place your hand on their knee for a flirty gesture that will help them feel wanted and desired. Sprinkle little flirty touches into your relationship to build anticipation for the real fireworks in the bedroom (because everything is better when you have to wait for it!). 

Is physical touch important to you in relationships? If so, how do you stay physically connected with your partner? 



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