A common question that is generally
running in a woman's mind is why do men love to sleep with prostitutes. It
makes many women wonder as to what actually makes men feel attracted to these
Is there any particular reason why
men like sleeping with prostitutes? What makes a man sleep with prostitutes?
Well, here are some shocking reasons why men sleep with
Quickest Way to Get Laid.
They do not have to wait for their partner to
get into the mood before they can get set to make love. Instead, they can pay
to the women who are more than willing to get laid.
To Avoid Complications.
These are the types of men who do not wish to
complicate their rapport with women, as it may give women an impression that
they are interested only in sex. Instead, they prefer to keep their choices
To Be In
These types of men are the ones who do not get
their fantasies fulfilled by their partner and hence love to have control over
the woman by paying her and asking her to perform things on them!
They Get A Chance To Sleep With Hotter Women!
These guys are the ones who are more into
physical attraction than personal attachment. They love to explore a new hot
woman every time they opt for these services.
No Strings Attached!
They do not have to bother about any strings
attached, even if they are in a committed relationship, as it's all about
paying an unknown person and sleeping with them!
6. Fear of intimacy!
For these
individuals there are frequent visits to the same prostitute and the fantasy of
a real relationship with the woman.
able to chat up a lady!
Some guys have very low self esteem around
women. They end up sleeping with prostitutes.
Boldsky limitless living
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