Monday 5 February 2018

The Health Benefits of Coconut: Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk, Coconut Water, Coconut Flour

A look at the health benefits of coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut water, coconut flour, plus how to work coconut into your diet.
The popularity of coconut doesn't end with hot-right-now coconut water.
A variety of coconut-derived ingredients—from coconut oil to coconut flour and coconut milk—are increasingly being used in home kitchens, restaurants and packaged foods. But can a food so rich in calories and laden with saturated fat be healthy? Here are the health benefits and cons of coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut water

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

 Coconut water mostly makes up the whole fruit itself. Although the water tastes sweet, or sometimes bland depending on the variety, it is very rich with many important nutrients.
Hydrates the body
As the water content in the coconut water is quite high along with the nutrients this coconut water is excellent way to boost the hydration of the body. It can be taken throughout the day instead of water. Coconut water also benefits in improving the overall functioning of the body.
Coconut water benefits in blood pressure
Coconut water has sodium and potassium which helps to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body thus helps to maintain the blood pressure and is beneficial for those with high blood pressure.
As coconut water is enriched with the electrolytes it instantly helps relive the tired and fatigued body. Everyday consumption of coconut water is beneficial in making you feel fresh and livelier.
Treats Headaches
Most headaches, even migraines, are triggered by dehydration. In such cases, coconut water can be of great help in supplying electrolytes to the body and boosting hydration.
Prevents kidney stones
 Kidney stones are a very painful ordeal. This occurs when you’re consistently dehydrated, combined with eating wrong kinds of foods that calcify and form stones in the kidneys. Based on scientific studies and research, coconut water reduces/ dissolves harmful crystalization and could help prevent kidney stones formation.
Regular use of coconut water helps to regulate the blood sugar levels mostly the rise in sugar levels in the blood after the meal. Morning is the best time to drink coconut water.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has several health benefits, the most important ones being its usefulness in hair care and skin care.
Coconut Oil for Hair
 This nourishing oil has been used for centuries in hair and its unique fat composition makes it especially beneficial for certain hair types. Use it as a hair mask, hot oil treatment, or in homemade hair products.
To Moisturize and Nourish Skin
 The same properties make coconut oil great for skin as well. Many people like to use it as a natural moisturizer. Its natural antioxidant properties make it great for stopping wrinkles and skin irritation.
Weight loss
Coconut oil keeps you feeling full and with the help of MCTs, increases 24-hour energy expenditure as much as 5%. This in turn will result to increased weight loss over the long-term.
Great fat for cooking
Coconut oil is stable oil that doesn’t break down easily at high temperatures like other oils do. It doesn’t go rancid easily and has amazing nutritional properties. It is great for cooking eggs, stir fries, grain free baked goods, and practically any other cooking use.
Dental Care
Calcium is an important component of our teeth. Since coconut oil facilitates the absorption of calcium by the body, it helps in developing strong teeth. It also stops tooth decay. Recent research suggests that it is also beneficial in reducing plaque formation and plaque-induced gingivitis.
Keeping Organs Healthy
The presence of medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids in coconut oil helps in preventing liver diseases. This is because those substances are easily converted into energy when they reach the liver, thus reducing its workload and also preventing accumulation of fat. It also helps in preventing kidney and gall bladder diseases and helps dissolve kidney stones. Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in keeping the pancreas healthy by treating pancreatitis.

Health Benefits of Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is not exactly milk. It is extracted from mature (old) coconut meat. From a young coconut, you can enjoy the benefits of its coconut water. As the coconut matures and ages, the meat dries up and hardens to become what you call coconut meat.
Coconut milk is used by health-conscious people as an alternative to butter because it is proven to be healthy and nutritious. Apart from using coconut milk in cooking, you may also add it to your coffee or other hot beverages. Here are some of the health benefits of consuming coconut milk:
Prevents anemia
  Anemia is an iron deficiency. Coconut milk is rich in plant-based iron, and regular consumption of coconut milk can help prevent this disease.
Prevents inflammation and arthritis
 Coconut milk’s MCT helps lower inflammation and prevents joint pains and aches.
Promotes a healthy heart
 Contrary to what many people think, coconut milk actually helps to reduce cholesterol oxidation and strengthens heart health.
Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation
A well-hydrated digestive tract is important for preventing or treating constipation. Coconut milk nourishes the digestive lining due to its electrolytes and healthy fats, improving gut health and preventing conditions like IBS.
Prevents Ulcers
Another benefit of coconut milk nutrition that may surprise you? Researchers found that coconut milk can help reduce the occurrence of ulcers even better than coconut water. When rats with ulcers were given coconut milk, they experienced a reduction in the size of ulcers of about 56  percent.
Skin Cleanser
Coconut milk is has a light consistency and can easily be used to cleanse skin. It can penetrate deep into skin pores and drive out grime, dirt, pollution and germs. It dissolves excess dead cells and sebum stuck deep within the pores. Use a clean cotton ball dipped in coconut milk to wipe your face of dirt and grease.

Health Benefit of Coconut Flour

Coconut flour, made from dried, ground coconut meat, is no longer only found on the back shelves of your local health-food store. Due to its numerous health benefits, light coconut flavor and airy texture, coconut flour is making its way into mainstream stores and recipes. Use coconut flour in baked goods for a lower-carb, high-fiber and gluten-free alternative to wheat flour.
High in Fiber
Coconut meat itself supplies an impressive 61% dietary fiber! And because fiber essentially cannot be absorbed by the body, some of the calories and carbohydrates found in coconut flour aren’t even absorbed and used, but rather they move right through the digestive tract helping to take toxins and waste along with them.
Helps Maintain a Healthy Blood Sugar Level
Coconut flour is a low glycemic food and does not spike blood sugar levels. In fact studies show that consuming products that contain coconut flour can help to lower the overall glycemic impact of the food and to support stable blood sugar levels. (2) This means that coconut flour nutrition has health benefits for people with diabetes and those who are working towards reaching a healthy weight too.
Helps Digestive Health
Coconut flour also helps with healthy digestion, has a high nutrient density, and can aid in heart health too. Studies have shown that coconut flour has the ability to help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and serum triglycerides in people who have raised cholesterol levels.
Aids in Metabolism
Some of the many health benefits of coconut flour nutrition include its high levels of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA).
Higher Protein and Healthy Fats
Coconut flour also contains a significant amount of protein, especially when compared to wheat flour. A 100-gram serving of coconut flour has 19 grams of protein while wheat flour has just 10. Although this protein doesn't contain all the essential amino acids, it does contribute to your total daily protein intake to help with cell repair and growth.


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